Weather for the Following Location: karte von Ballarat, Australien

Facility Bookings

Note: Our booking calendar is currently down for maintenance, please reach out to or enquire via our contact form for bookings and more information.

We accept group bookings of the venue year round. This includes access to the facility, equipment and the canteen.

With over 40,000 individual entries into the facility each year via club events, Athletics Victoria events, training session, schools and more, the athletics centre is a massively used and supported facility in a prime location.

*Booking Llanberris Reserve between 8:30am-3:00pm. School coordinators may arrive earlier for set up after communicating with facility manager.

PLEASE NOTE – We are not accepting any bookings for 2026 & Beyond at this current time.

Note: If you would like to book outside the mentioned time, please contact directly to enquire.

Select service*
Name of School/Organisation*
Contact Number for School/Organisation*
School/Organisation Email (for Invoice)*
Address for School/Organisation*
Name of Coordinator *
Contact Number for Coordinator *
Coordinator Email*
How many attendees are you expecting? *
Is your school inviting parents/guardians?*
Additional Notes*